Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Letter imperfect

At the birthday party of a high school chum, I was introduced to another grad from my school, Hamilton High. When the grad heard my name she said, ``Steve Harvey. Didn't you play baseball?" I was bowled over because, while I'd been on the varsity 46 years ago, I was just a benchwarmer. Then my chum said to her, "You're thinking of Garvey" (the ex-Dodger first baseman). She said, "Oh, that's right." Oh well.


Talk about non-support

In this horrible recession, it should come as no surprise that nearly everyone's holding yard sales. And some people seem to be willing to sell anything, as Sara Ormenyi noticed in Van Nuys.


Yard sale Hall of Fame

My all-time favorite notice was immortalized several years by by Otto Plum.


Back to split-ups...

"In Los Angeles, it seems, the sanctity of marriage is always in trouble," says writer Tom Greene. "But even I thought these two could make it. They had such a sunny-side attitude. But this is L.A., where relationships are a dime a dozen, or rather $1.98 a dozen at Trader Joe's..."


No-man's land:

In San Luis Obispo, I spotted a directional sign for wives, at a fabrics shop.


Abandonment, auto-wise...

In Atlanta, Rich Hackenberg found an area where you're forbidden to abandon your motor vehicle. I guess the rest of the city is wide-open, though!


Open real wide...

Ex-Angeleno Steve Beale, now a Bay Area resident (and for that we forgive him), noticed an office for people who put their foot in their mouth.


Duh! Award winner

My daughter Sarah snapped a sign that dressed down dim-wits in an Orange County store.


Was he a pure bread?

One of my wife's newspaper buddies saw an accident report featuring a type of dog that sounded like a marijuana product.



And, finally, Chasing Fire Flies magazine has the cutest ad for a Marie Antoinette "limited-edition doll." Open-necked. It's billed as "a dream-come-true doll for any girl." Right up to poor Marie's beheading, I presume. Cost of the toy is $260, which is in line with reports of Marie's extravagant lifestyle. At that price you'd think you'd at least receive a toy guillotine, as well.


Steve Harvey can be reached at steveharvey9@gmail.com.

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